Case Study


Company Centrient Pharmaceuticals, Netherlands
Sub category of Industry Generics
Category of commitment Appropriate Use
Key focus Appropriate Use

Health needs

Inappropriate and overuse of antibiotics in the world’s two most populous countries pose a danger to their populations.

In China, where consumption of antimicrobials is trending downward, irrational use remains a key challenge, driving antibiotic resistance and the potential for superbugs. In response, generics manufacturer Centrient Pharmaceuticals is partnering with the China Association of Health Promotion and Education to educate doctors and patients on appropriate use and national prescription guidelines.

Adapting the WHO AWaRe tool, which classifies antibiotics for use, the initiative seeks in particular to curb unnecessary use of higher generation antibiotics. Launched in July 2019, the year-long campaign will cover 70 hospitals in 15 provinces and cities as well as trainings at doctors’ conferences.

In India—one of the largest consumers of antibiotics—a combination of irrational usage and lack of information is driving the spread of AMR. Estimates suggest a business-as-usual scenario may result in 2 million AMR-related deaths in India by 2050.

To help avoid this crisis, Cipla delivers educational programs for its most commonly prescribed antibacterial drugs—fosfomycin, azithromycin, and colistin. The generics company, headquartered in Mumbai, targets materials and presentations to healthcare practitioners and patients. Key topics include susceptibility patterns in hospitals and intensive care units and how to manage multiple drug-resistant infections.