In the Press

03/06/2024 - In STAT News by Henry Skinner

Antibiotic innovation is ailing. ‘Brain drain’ may kill it

In today’s labor market, good help is hard to find. For companies developing antibiotics, it’s becoming nearly impossible. Three years ago, I became CEO of the AMR Action Fund, which is investi...

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30/05/2024 - In Euractiv by Nicole Verbeek

Belgium Developing New Class of Antibiotics, But Incentives and Market Support Needed

Europe’s pipeline of new antibiotics to tackle the growing antimicrobial resistance (AMR) crisis remains inadequate. Belgium is developing a new antibiotic class, but success depends on securing vit...

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04/03/2024 - In CIDRAP, University of Minnesota by Chris Dall, MA

AMR Industry Alliance calls for ‘bold, coordinated’ action on antimicrobial resistance

The AMR Industry Alliance this week issued a "call-to-action" in advance of the United Nations (UN) High-Level Meeting on AMR (antimicrobial resistance) in September. The document from the Alliance...

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28/02/2024 - In CIDRAP, University of Minnesota by Chris Dall, MA

Site in India Receives Responsible Antibiotic Manufacturing Certification

Pharmaceutical company Viatris announced today that its manufacturing site in India has received Minimized Risk of Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) certification. The certification, developed by...

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28/02/2024 - In Infectious Disease Special Edition by Marie Rosenthal

Can We Keep Up With the Resistance?

Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is a leading cause of death worldwide. In 2019 alone, AMR directly resulted in about 1.27 million deaths, and played a role in almost 5 million deaths. Without intervent...

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AMR Industry Alliance Calls on UN and Member States to Commit to and Advance Bold, Coordinated Action on Antimicrobial Resistance

In the lead-up to the High-level Meeting on AMR, Alliance calls for increased coordination in public and private sectors. Geneva – February 27, 2024 – The AMR Industry Alliance, the largest ind...

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21/02/2024 - In Nature by Lilly Tozer

Drug-resistant microbes: ‘brain drain’ is derailing the fight to stop them

A lack of investment is driving researchers who study antimicrobial resistance out of the field, an industry body warns. A lack of funding and incentives for research into antimicrobial resistance...

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20/02/2024 - In Economic Times Health by Online Bureau

Viatris Receives receives Global Minimised Risk of Antimicrobial Resistance Certification

The standard was facilitated by BSI for the AMR Industry Alliance, an organization made up of over 100 companies and associations from across the life-sciences industry with the shared goal of providi...

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13/02/2024 - In The Pharma Letter

Report finds brain drain in AMR researchers

The USA-based AMR Industry Alliance conducted a review of publicly available data on the state of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) research and development talent, indicating that researchers are leavin...

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13/02/2024 - In CIDRAP News by Chris Dall, MA

Report warns of ‘brain drain’ from antibiotic research and development

Two new reports this week from a coalition of industries working to combat antimicrobial resistance (AMR) highlight some of the progress that's been made, along with a critical problem that could unde...

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AMR Industry Alliance Finds Exodus of Scientific Talent Threatens Progress Toward Antimicrobial Global Health Threat

Despite its growing death toll, scientific ‘brain drain’ compounds efforts to tackle antimicrobial resistance. Geneva – February 8, 2024 – New analysis published today has identified an exodu...

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2023 AMR Industry Alliance Progress Report: A Call to Action Against Antimicrobial Resistance

Geneva – February 5, 2024 – The AMR Industry Alliance, one of the largest private sector coalitions dedicated to combatting antimicrobial resistance (AMR), today announced the publication of its 2...

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20/11/2023 by James Anderson

Why the UN High-Level Meeting is critical to the fight against AMR

Next year, the United Nations will hold a High-Level Meeting (HLM) to discuss the global coordination necessary to tackle antimicrobial resistance (AMR). The rise of AMR continues to be one of...

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AMR Industry Alliance and Toilet Board Coalition Launch Toolkit: “The Sanitation Fight Against AMR”

Toolkit intended to empower local sanitation businesses in the fight against antimicrobial resistance. Geneva, Switzerland – 7 September 2023 – The AMR Industry Alliance, together with The Toil...

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17/07/2023 by Ed Silverman

Pressure Mounts On Pharma To Act On Environmental Targets

There are growing demands from government officials, investors and employees for the pharmaceutical industry to reduce emissions and waste, and – most of all – make environmental sustainability a...

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07/07/2023 by Ayesha Siddiqui

Tech-Powered War on AMR

The following article first ran in BioSpectrum Asia on July 4, 2023 The consistent increase in antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is threatening to undo many of the gains of modern medicine. The situat...

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23/02/2023 by Chloe Kent

New Pricing Policies Needed To Curb AMR Impact, States Industry Alliance Report

Medicines For Europe Echoes Report Recommendations 22 February 2023 Executive Summary The AMR Industry Alliance has put forward six different policy proposals which it says could minimize the...

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22/12/2022 by Sabri Ben-Achour

The Free Market is Failing Us on Antibiotics

This article first appeared in Marketplace on 22 December 2022. Researchers at Harvard Medical School in 2016 recorded a now-famous demonstration with E. coli bacteria — a species often behind...

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15/12/2022 by Citi GPS: Global Perspectives and Solutions

Antimicrobial Resistance: The Silent Pandemic

Antimicrobial Resistance: The Silent Pandemic was produced by Citi GPS: Global Perspectives and Solutions in December 2022...

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20/11/2022 by Alba Tiley and Steve Brooks

The Global Pharmaceutical Industry Must Play a Key Role in AMR Mitigation

Antibiotics are essential medicines that have revolutionized modern healthcare, but the rise of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is threatening their effectiveness. Antibiotics have delivered a major im...

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10/11/2022 by James Anderson

The Role of the Environment in the Fight Against AMR

This article originally appeared in The Guardian on November 10, 2022   Much of the global coordination on combatting AMR has rightly been focused on incentives, appropriate use, stewardshi...

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11/09/2022 by Steve Brooks

How India Can Nip the Looming Threat of Antimicrobial Resistance in the Bud

This article was originally published in Economic Times on September 11, 2022. Synopsis The National Action Plan on AMR and the Andhra Pradesh's State Action Plan have also called for stringent li...

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17/08/2022 by Hannah Balfour

Tackling the Silent Pandemic: AMR Industry Alliance Sets the Standard

This piece first appeared in European Pharmaceutical Review on 17 August 2022. Here AMR Industry Alliance representatives Melissa Gong Mitchell and Steve Brooks discuss how the Alliance is mobili...

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15/07/2022 by Hannah Balfour

Research Calls for Regulators to Accelerate the Approval of Antibiotics

Report by One Health Trust says acknowledging antimicrobial resistance in regulatory frameworks for accelerated drug approval could improve access to new antibiotic...

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14/06/2022 by James Paton

Drugmakers Aim to Curb Release of Antibiotic Waste Into the Environment

  A coalition of drugmakers is introducing new standards aimed at curbing the release of antibiotic waste into the environment amid growing concerns over drug resistance that’s been linked t...

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14/06/2022 by Natalie Glover

Antibiotic Drugmakers Take Steps to Self-Impose Environmental Safeguards

LONDON, June 14 (Reuters) - In the absence of global standards limiting toxic emissions produced by antibiotics at the point of manufacture, the pharmaceutical industry has come up with its own standa...

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Health Europa Quarterly Issue 21 Explores AMR

Health Europa Quarterly has published its twenty-first issue which features AMR, as well as the AMR Industry Alliance's Progress Report, acknowledging "the urgent need to facilitate a sustainable mark...

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AMR Progress Report in Health Europa Quarterly

AMR Industry Alliance and its Progress Report have been featured in Health Europa Quarterly: Progress being made on AMR, but marketplace reforms needed   "AMR Industry Alliance discusses...

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31/01/2020 - In STAT by Steve Brooks and Alba Tiley

Companies must responsibly manufacture the antimicrobials society needs

This article was first published in STAT on 30 January 2020 by Steve Brooks and Alba Tiley In a world challenged by microbes resistant to antibiotics, many medical interventions that rely on the...

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30/01/2020 - In NZZamSonntag by Birgit Voigt

Manufacturers of new antibiotics go bankrupt

700,000 people die from drug-resistant infections – so why do antibiotic companies face bankruptcy? This article was first published in the NZZamSonntag on 26 January 2020 by Birgit Voigt The...

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25/01/2020 - In Pharma Boardroom by Greg Frank

The Fight Against Superbugs: Properly Incentivising Antimicrobial R&D Is Key

This article was published in Pharma Boardroom on 16 January 2020. Opinion by Greg Frank. Drug-resistant superbugs are evolving at a rapid pace. In fact, it is estimated that 700,000 people die fr...

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25/01/2020 - In Devex by Serufusa Sekidde

Opinion: How to oppose the menace of antimicrobial resistance

This article was published in Devex 20 January 2020. Opinion by Serufusa Sekidde. Despite its magnitude, lack of access to antibiotics is a largely overlooked public health issue. 5.7 million peop...

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25/01/2020 - In Health Policy Watch by Elaine Ruth Fletcher

Low Antibiotic Prices Dampen Industry Investment In Vital New Tools To Combat Superbugs – Says AMR Industry Alliance

This article was published in Health Policy Watch 16 January 2020 by Elaine Ruth Fletcher The low worldwide prices for antibiotics, combined with the need to carefully ration sale of any powerful n...

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25/01/2020 - In Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy by Chris Dall

Industry urges more government action on antibiotic development

This article was published in CIDRAP 16 January 2020. A report by Chris Dall. The level of funding for late-stage research and development of new antibiotics and other products to combat antimicro...

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25/01/2020 - In Science Business by Florin Zubașcu

Industry calls on governments to invest more in antibiotics research

This article was published in Science Business 16 January 2020 by Florin Zubașcu. Alarm over the rise of antimicrobial resistance has prompted an increase in early stage research and led to the di...

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26/11/2019 - In Pharma Boardroom by Steve Brooks

Antibiotics: Responsibly Making the Drugs Society Needs

This article was published in Pharma Boardroom on 13 November 2019. Opinion by Steve Brooks, Advisor to the AMR Industry Alliance. Steve Brooks outlines the threat that antimicrobial resistance (A...

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15/08/2018 - In PharmTech by Sean Milmo

Pharmaceuticals in the Environment

This article was published on PharmTech on 2 August, 2018 (Pharmaceutical Technology, Volume 42, Issue 8). Content by Sean Milmo.   "An Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) Industry Allian...

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20/04/2018 - In PharmExec by Thomas Cueni

Antimicrobial resistance and vaccines – Life science industry makes the link and drives progress

This Q&A was first published on PharmExec on 20 April, 2018. Interview by Julian Upton. 1. When trying to reduce antimicrobial resistance, how can vaccines help? Vaccines are critical and po...

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27/02/2018 - In NZZ by Interview with Thomas Cueni, Chair, AMR Industry Alliance, by Birgit Voigt

NZZ – We need a sustainable business model

This interview was first published on NZZ on 24 February 2018. Interview by Birgit Voigt. NZZ on Sunday: Why is the pharmaceutical industry not developing more new antibiotics? Thomas Cueni: Today...

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27/02/2018 - In CGTN by Interview with Thomas Cueni, Chair, AMR Industry Alliance, by Catherine Fiankan-Bokonga

CGTN – Augmentation de la résistance antimicrobienne dans le monde

Garance Upham (Vice-President of World Against Antibiotic Resistance - WAAAR), Marc Sprenger Director WHO secretariat for antimicrobial resistance), Thomas Cueni (Chair of AMR Industry Alliance) expla...

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19/01/2018 - In Intellectual Property Watch by Catherine Saez

Antimicrobial Resistance The “Scariest” Public Health Issue, Needs Financial R&D Incentives, Industry Says

On the eve of the annual January World Health Organization Executive Board meeting, an alliance of pharmaceutical industries launched its first report on efforts made to curb antimicrobial resistance....

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18/01/2018 - In CIDRAP by Chris Dall

Report tracks industry progress on drug resistance

A report today from an international association of life sciences companies suggests that the private sector is making progress in meeting its commitment to help solve the antimicrobial resistance (AM...

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18/01/2018 - In Devex by Molly Anders

Funding outlook shifts in fight against antimicrobial resistance

LONDON — Twenty-two research-based biopharmaceutical companies — including AstraZenica, GlaxoSmithKline and Merck — invested more than $2 billion in research and development to counter an...

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10/11/2017 - In FT Health by Andrew Jack and Darren Dodd

3 Questions with Thomas Cueni, Director General IFPMA, Chair, AMR Industry Alliance

Next week is crunch time for the Global Fund to Fight Aids, TB and Malaria. The agency, which channels donor money into lower-income, higher-burden countries for the world’s three big killer infecti...

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02/10/2017 - In Devex by Andrew Green

Inside Germany’s push for a global anti-microbial resistance hub

BERLIN — Germany is positioning itself as a key player in antimicrobial resistance research with the expected launch of a Research and Development Collaboration Hub, likely to be housed in Berlin. G...

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25/09/2017 - In CIDRAP by Chris Dall

Report highlights progress made in global AMR fight

A new report from the United Nations Foundation and the Wellcome Trust is highlighting the progress that's been made, and the work that needs to be done, in the year since world leaders made a commitm...

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20/09/2017 - In IP Watch

WHO issues alarming report on coming shortage of antibiotics

A new report issued today by the World Health Organization shows a “serious lack” of new antibiotics in development, even as resistance to existing antibiotics are on the rise. The head of the WHO...

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30/08/2017 - In Earth Security Group

The Earth Security Report 2017

The Earth Security Report 2017 provides a roadmap for global business to align their growth to the demands for social inclusion and environmental security that are defining the countries in which they...

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25/05/2017 - In Devex by Dr. Marc Sprenger

Fighting superbugs cannot be a luxury for the rich

While the world has woken up to the threat of antimicrobial resistance and is starting to respond, many low-income countries are struggling to find capacity and need greater support. That is the headl...

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22/05/2017 - In Combacte

In a press release published last week, the IFPMA announced the establishment of the Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) Industry Alliance

The announcement was made by IFPMA’s Director-General Tomas Cueni, during the B20 Health Conference in Berlin. The Alliance’s role is to bring together stakeholders from the industry in order to h...

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19/05/2017 - In Devex by Sophie Edwards

New drug industry alliance will tackle antibiotic resistance

Industry leaders from the drug industry have come together to tackle the growing threat of drug-resistant infection, which experts warn could cause the deaths of 10 million people each year by 2050....

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19/05/2017 - In Kaiser Family Foundation

AMR Industry Alliance formed to ensure pharma involvement in addressing antimicrobial resistance

CIDRAP News: Pharma leaders announce alliance to fight antimicrobial resistance “An international association of pharmaceutical, biotechnology, and diagnostics companies  announced the formation o...

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18/05/2017 - In CIDRAP by Chris Dall

Pharma leaders announce alliance to fight antimicrobial resistance

An international association of pharmaceutical, biotechnology, and diagnostics companies today announced the formation of a new alliance to monitor and drive industry efforts to fight antimicrobial re...

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18/05/2017 - In Unternehmen-heute by Steve Schmit

Neues Bündnis gegen Antibiotikaresistenz

Gegen das anhaltende Problem der Antibiotikaresistenz hat sich jetzt ein Bündnis geschlossen. Die 'AMR Industry Alliance' vereint Pharmaunternehmen, Generikahersteller, Biotech- und Diagnostikfirmen...

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18/05/2017 - In IP Watch

New Industry Alliance aimed at antimicrobial resistance

Pharmaceutical industry representatives today announced a new alliance to fight antimicrobial resistance. The announcement came during a meeting of the private sector of the most advanced countries....

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17/05/2017 - In In-Pharma Technologist by Flora Southey

Charity urges drug industry to consider supplier role in “superbug” spread

Drug manufacturers, retail pharmacies and regulators have a role to play in curbing antimicrobial resistance say campaigners urging industry to ensure their API suppliers are not part of the problem....

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